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Adobe Flash EOL - Chart Designer will be impacted

In the July 2017 timeframe, Adobe announced its intention to stop updating and distributing Flash after December 31, 2020. Most modern browsers will stop supporting the technology at the browser-level in the beginning of 2021. 

This will potentially impact Pentaho Business Analytics users in two areas, as we have functions that rely upon Flash in order to operate properly: 

  • “Chart Designer” within Dashboard Designer 
  • Specific uses of XActions where charts are generated using the chart engine OpenFlashChart. For example: <chartModel chartEngine="OpenFlashChart" 

After Flash is deprecated, the charts created using Chart Designer or through these XActions use cases will fail to render. 

To resolve this, we are switching the chart rendering engine to JFreeChart so the charts will continue to render. Note they will likely have a different look to them.  

There are two methods to make the change to the new rendering engine: 

  1. Manually, by following these instructions. 
  2. Install the December Service Pack, which will be released at the end of December, 2020. This will contain the changes to automatically update the rendering engine – You may apply this Service Pack assuming you are on the 8.3 or 9.1 branch. 

If you have any questions, or need assistance please open a support ticket at 
