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Pentaho Tools & Data Modeling


This page serves as a library for each of Pentaho’s tools and the best practices surrounding their uses and implementations. We have provided guidelines and detailed step-by-step manuals for each tool presented in this collection.


  • Pentaho Tools
    • Pentaho Analyzer Cookbook
    • Developing Dashboards with Pentaho CTools
    • Pentaho Reporting Design Guidelines
    • Pentaho BA Content Embedding
  • Data Modeling and Profiling
    • Data Profiling and Exploration
    • Metadata Models & Interactive Reports
    • Pentaho Data Modeling
    • Pentaho OLAP Design Guidelines
    • Clearing the Mondrian Cache

The Components Reference in Pentaho Documentation has a complete list of supported software and hardware.

Pentaho Tools

Pentaho_Analyzer_Cookbook.jpg Pentaho Analyzer Cookbook
For versions 6.x, 7.x, 8.x / published July 2018

The Analyzer Cookbook was written to assist busy people with solving various analysis use cases encountered in real life customer scenarios. Most of these examples in this document came from requests from pre-sales, engineering service requests (ESRs), and talking to customers.

Audience: System administrators or anyone familiar with Mondrian

Developing_Dashboards_CTools.jpg Developing Dashboards with Pentaho CTools
For versions 6.x, 7.x, 8.0 / published November 2017

This document covers some best practices for using Pentaho Community Tools (CTools) to create dashboards from mockups.

Audience: Business analysts, web designers, and others who are interesting in displaying their data in a way that is simple, yet informative

Pentaho_Reporting_Design_Guidelines.jpg Pentaho Reporting Design Guidelines
For versions 6.x, 7.x, 8.0 / published April 2018

We have collected a set of best practice recommendations for you to leverage to design and build your Pentaho Reporting solution for maximum speed, reuse, portability, maintainability, and knowledge transfer.

Audience: Pentaho users and report designers

Pentaho_BA_Content_Embedding.jpg Pentaho BA Content Embedding
For versions 6.x, 7.x, 8.0 / published April 2018

These best practices, use cases to consider, and other information related to embedding Pentaho BA content into a 3rd party web application. Some of the things discussed here include integrating with web applications, security, and brief descriptions and examples of embedding individual Pentaho components.

Audience: Pentaho administrators


Data Modeling and Profiling

Data_Profiling.jpg Data Profiling and Exploration
For versions 7.x, 8.x / published April 2018

We have put together a library of best practices, presentations, and videos surrounding Pentaho Data Integration’s (PDI) Data Explorer. Visual data exploration provides access to analytics during data preparation, letting you easily spot-check data issues without switching in and out of tools or waiting until the very end to find data quality problems. In addition, different departments can collaborate and iterate faster, shortening the cycle from raw data to meaningful analytics

Audience: Pentaho administrators, data analysts, and anyone with a background in PDI

Metadata_Models.jpg Metadata Models & Interactive Reports
For versions 6.x, 7.x, 8.0 / published February 2018

This document covers best practices related to Pentaho Interactive Reporting (PIR) and building the metadata layer that PIR uses. This document also covers standard implementations and special conditions that apply for Big Data use cases.

Audience: Developers, administrators, and those who wish to create interactive reports whether working with large data sets or slow databases

Pentaho_Data_Modeling.jpg Pentaho Data Modeling
For versions 6.x, 7.x, 8.0 / published April 2018

Our intention is to provide best practices around how to design and build your Pentaho data models for maximum speed, reuse, portability, maintainability, and knowledge transfer. It is not intended to demonstrate how to implement each best practice or provide templates based on the best practices defined within the document.

Audience: Data scientists and architects

Pentaho_OLAP_Design_Guidelines.jpg Pentaho OLAP Design Guidelines
For versions 6.x, 7.x, 8.0 / published March 2018

This step-by-step guide will show you how to design and build your Pentaho OLAP solution for maximum speed, reuse, portability, maintainability, and knowledge transfer.

Audience: Database administrators or anyone needing to organize a database

Clearing_the_Mondrian_Cache.jpg Clearing the Mondrian Cache
For versions 6.x, 7.x, 8.0 / published March 2018

We recommend these best practices for you to clear and manage the Mondrian cache in clustered environments. The method you choose will depend on how the Reporting/Pentaho server is used and how the extract/transform/load (ETL) execution processes results. We describe clearing the cache with APIs or the scheduler, and using the dynamic schema processor to segment a new cache.

Audience: Pentaho and/or database administrators








