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Error '400 Bad Request' Occurs in PDI REST Client Step When HTTP Body Contains German Special Characters


Operating Systems: Windows 10, RHEL 8, RHEL 9

PDI Versions: (with OpenJDK 11 and OpenJDK 1.8), (with OpenJDK 11)


Error: The error 400 Bad Request occurs when the HTTP body contains a JSON with German special characters such as "ä", "Ü", "ß" in Pentaho Data Integration (PDI).


Problem Description:

When using the REST client step in PDI to send a POST request containing a JSON body with German special characters (e.g., "ä", "Ü", "ß"), the server responds with a 400 Bad Request error. This behavior occurs regardless of how the HTTP body is read (e.g., from a text file, CSV file, set variables, or set field value to a constant). Removing these special characters allows the request to succeed with an HTTP 200 OK response.

Note: The same request works using other client tools (Postman, Apache Hop).



The issue is likely due to the PDI client (Spoon) not handling UTF-8 encoding properly when sending HTTP requests. Although UTF-8 encoding was specified in the text file/CSV file input steps and the ContentType field, the special characters in the HTTP body are not processed correctly, leading to a 400 Bad Request error.



To resolve this issue, you need to configure the PDI client (Spoon) to use UTF-8 encoding explicitly by modifying the Java options in the Spoon startup script.


  1. Stop the Spoon application if it is running.
  2. Open the spoon.bat (on Windows) or (on Linux) file in a text editor.
  3. Locate the line that reads: set OPT=%OPT% %PENTAHO_DI_JAVA_OPTIONS%.
  4. Append the following option to the end of the line: -Dfile.encoding=utf8. The line should look like this: set OPT=%OPT% %PENTAHO_DI_JAVA_OPTIONS% -Dfile.encoding=utf8
  5. Save the file and restart Spoon.
  6. Retry the POST request with the special characters in the JSON body.


Important Notes:

  • This workaround forces the PDI client to use UTF-8 encoding for all operations, which should resolve similar encoding issues in other contexts as well.
  • If other encoding issues arise, consider reviewing all steps involving text input or output to ensure they are configured to use UTF-8 consistently.


Internal Notes: (Non Customer Viewable - Non Confidential)

Example: This issue is logged under Ticket 114391 / JIRA PDI-19291
